Monday 28 September 2009

My favourite piece of tecnology

No doubt, my favourite piece of technology is my new mobile phone. This mobile is better than my old mobile. It is more comfortable, because its lighter and flatter (only weigh 88 grams and sizes only 12x5x1). It also has a chip with a high capacity, which aloud to save files like pictures, mp3 and videos. It is relly great!!! You can have the functions of several devices into just one!!!

I use it in the morning, like a clockwork alarm to wake up every day.In the way to university campus, I can listen to music and make this trip shorter and less boring. This tool is clearly my favourite accesory when it is time to go out. Wherever I go, I can use my mobile phone for communicate with my friend, my family and my boyfriend. But there is only one problem; if you want used it, you need to keep it loud with some money or pay plan wich most of time a college student can't afford it

Today I left my mobile phone at home. I felt something was missing, and even sometimes I could felt than something vibrating in my pants, but suddenly I remember that I didn't carry with me today. This situation was really stressing, and make me realizes that I have incorporated this tool in my life in a really dependent way.